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 Homework & Answers 

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Physics Department

Molecular Biophysics Group

Research opportunities for undergraduates

Instructor: Prof. Mark Millonas

Office: 5046 Percival Stern Hall

Office phone: 862-3176

Email address:

Office hours: T-R 3:30-5:30

Time & Location:

TR 11:00-12:15, Boggs 104,

M 2:00-2:50, Boggs 104

Lab times vary, see schedule of classes.

Also see the web page for the laboratory courses here.


Fundamentals of Physics (Extended Version), 5th Ed, Haliday, Resnick & Walker,Wiley (1997)



Homework will not be graded. However, I expect you to have done it, and to discuss any questions or problems you had with the homework in class during the discussion of the solutions. All quiz and exam question will be very similar to homework questions, so the best way to do well in this class is to do all the homework, pay attention in the problem sessions, and ask question on anything you didn't understand, or didn't get right. Homework and reading asingments can be found here.

Problem Sessions:

Manyclasses will be devoted entirely to solving problems. This is the most integral part of the class. I will also use the oppurnity to cover important topics by discussing specific problems. I will tell you the secret right now to doing well in physics - DO THE PROBLEMS! You should do even more problems (yes, unassigned ones) in areas you have trouble with until you don't have trouble anymore. I don't care what else you do in this class so long as you do the problems. As with anything else, no pain no gain. If you are having trouble in the course but still refuse to do the problems, you will get no sympathy from me. However, for those of you who make an honest attempt to do the problems first, I am always available for advise and help. Just come to my office hours, or make an appointment. Answers to the homework problems will be posted here.