Links to past and future events here.
November 02, 2018: The second Quantum Information at LSU and Tulane (QuILT) Day takes place at Louisiana State University.
May 30, 2018: The first ever Quantum Information at LSU and Tulane (QuILT) Day takes place at Tulane.
December 1, 2015: Ulrich Vogl visits the group from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. His colloquium is: "Interfacing various atomic transitions and telecom wavelengths with a tunable narrowband photon-pair source based on whispering-gallery-mode resonators."

October 30, 2015: Dominique Elser visits the group from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. His colloquium is on Satellite Quantum Communication via the Alphasat Laser Communication Terminal.

April 8, 2015: Kaushik Seshadreesan visits the group from LSU. His colloquium is on new measures of entanglement, and operational meanings of quantum discord.

March 25, 2015: Robi Singh visits the group from LSU. His colloquium is on all things quantum metrology.

March 9-10, 2015: Prof. Eugeniy Mikhailov visits the group from the College of William and Mary. His colloquium is on "Nonlinear light-atom interactions: squeezed states of light and fast laser gyroscopes."

February 19, 2015: Dr. William (Bill) Plick visits us from Paris and talks about local hidden variable theories, contextuality, and all things nonlocal!
November 26, 2014: Prof. Mark Wilde visits us from LSU and gives an appropriately titled talk (for a music-loving New Orleans audience) on "Quantum information, entanglement, and all that jazz!"

(We forgot to take a picture while he was here. Guess that means he'll have to make another visit soon!)