Group updates here.
Manon awarded a NASA internship
Manon Bart, a grad student in our group, has been awarded a NASA internship. We are excited to start this collaboration with folks at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on machine learning and quantum communications from ground-to-satellite, and space-to-space!
Excited to announce that Prof. Glasser was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Yay!
U.S. Army Research Office grant awarded
We have received a 9 month grant entitled "Machine learning assisted quantum state estimation" from ARO! Excited to experimentally demonstrate our developed machine learning methods to enhance quantum measurements.
DARPA grant awarded
Denys Bondar, a colleague and collaborator at Tulane, received a DARPA YFA grant entitled "Quantum reservoir engineering inspired classical optical technology." Professor Glasser is a Team Member on the grant and is leading the experimental effort.
U.S. Office of Naval Research grant awarded
We have received a three year grant totaling $418,004 for a project entitled "Machine learning for robust classical and quantum communications" from the Navy, under the Communications and Networking Program. We are excited to develop and implement innovative techniques that will advance the frontiers of communications.
U.S. Army Research Lab grant awarded
We have received a one year grant for a project entitled "Enhancing Quantum Measurement with Artificial Intelligence" from the Army. We are excited to perform the work in close collaboration with physicists at the Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, MD.
Northrop Grumman funding awarded
Our group has received new funding from Northrop Grumman - NG NEXT for work on "Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Quantum Sensing and Metrology." The ongoing collaboration with researchers at NG NEXT will also involve a student working for an extended period at Northrop Grumman's lab in Redondo Beach, CA.
Katie David and her team of graduating seniors, Carly Newfield, Lan Nguyen, and Brittany Young, presented their senior design project on a laser power regulator.
Publication list updated
While not always as up-to-date as we would like, it can be found here.Scientific Reports paper published
Our paper on using nonlinear optical phenomena to generate self-reconstructing modes was recently published in Nature Scientific Reports. Congrats Jon, Katie, Erin, Christian and Onur!
Erin is now a NSF Graduate Research Fellow!
Erin Knutson was recently awarded a prestigious (and very competitive) National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Big time congrats, Erin!
Group presents (4 times!) at APS March Meeting 2017
Four verbal presentations were accepted at this years March Meeting, three of which are in the session chaired by Prof. Glasser. Congratulations Jon, Erin, Onur and Sanjaya!
New Journal of Physics paper
Our paper on all-optical mode conversion via four-wave mixing was recently published in New Journal of Physics. Congrats Onur and Christian!
Katie awarded DoD SMART Scholarship!
Kaitlyn David was recently awarded the prestigious Department of Defense SMART Scholarship. We are proud of you, Katie!
SPIE Optics and Photonics
We will be presenting two papers at the upcoming SPIE Optics and Photonics conference in San Diego. These are on deep learning as a tool to distinguish between states of light that contain high-degrees of orbital angular momentum, and the generation of self-healing beams via four-wave mixing. Hope to see you out there!
Welcome, Jon!
We happily welcome Jon Swaim to the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Jon completed his Ph.D. at the University of Queensland in 2014. He then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, before joining our group in the Summer of 2016.
Welcome, Sanjaya!
We're happy to welcome Sanjaya Lohani to the group. He is a second year graduate student at Tulane, and will now begin his experimentalist journey!
Brief bio:
BS (Physics) - Birendra M. Campus, Tribhuvan University
MS (Physics) - Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Funding update
Adel Broussard (undergraduate student) has been awarded a Tulane CELT Faculty/Student Scholarly and Artistic Engagement grant for Spring 2016!
Group has been awarded a Louisiana Board of Regents Research Competitiveness Series grant from 06/2015 - 06/2017.
Ryan Glasser is the Principal Investigator on a project funded by Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, awarded 06/2015. The project is a collaborative effort that includes John Howell at the University of Rochester and Jonathan Dowling at Louisiana State University.
August 2015: Table slowly filling with optics.

May-June 2015: Nonlinear fun begins!

March 2015: Laser install complete

February 2015: Katie David (undergraduate) joins the group!
Lab update: Optical tables, overhanging shelves, cabinetry installed

February 2015: Parades everywhere. Mardi Gras!

December 2014: Renovations nearly complete

August 2014: "Lab" (completely unrenovated)