Service Learning Organizations
University Service Learning Sites
Gulf South Summit

Service Learning Organizations

Campus Compact:
Campus Compact is a national coalition of more than 900 college and university presidents committed to the civic purposes of higher education. To support this civic mission, Campus Compact promotes community service and service learning that develops students' citizenship skills and values, encourages partnerships between campuses and communities, and assists faculty who seek to integrate public and community engagement into their teaching and research.

Corporation for National and Community Service:
The Corporation for National and Community Service engages Americans of all ages and backgrounds in service to help strengthen communities. CNCS has a specific program dealing with higher education: http://www.learnandserve.org/

Learning in Deed:
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation in 1998 launched Learning In Deed, a national initiative to engage more young people in service to others as part of their academic life.

Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning:
The Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (MJCSL) is a national, peer-reviewed journal consisting of articles written by faculty and service-learning educators on research, theory, pedagogy, and issues pertinent to the service-learning community.

Service Learning:
The national site for service learning information.

Service Learning Clearinghouse:
The Clearinghouse is a part of the Higher Education Research Institute in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. This site is designed to provide resources, tips and links to other sites that offer information on service-learning in higher education.

National Society for Experiential Education:
The National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) is a nonprofit membership association of educators, businesses, and community leaders. Founded in 1971, NSEE also serves as a national resource center for the development and improvement of experiential education programs nationwide. NSEE supports the use of learning through experience for: intellectual development, cross-cultural and global awareness, and civic and social responsibility.

University Service Learning Sites:

Georgetown University
Northwestern University
Saint John's University
Stanford University
University of California at Berkeley
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
University of Texas at Austin
Vanderbilt University

Gulf South Summit
In 2003 The Tulane University Office of Service Learning, in conjunction with other universities, formed the Gulf South Summit, a yearly meeting of service learning practitioners in the region.

Gulf South Summit 2003
Gulf South Summit 2004
Gulf South Summit 2005
Gulf South Summit 2006

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