Orientation Handbooks
Race, Class and Community Workshop
Safety Information
Outstanding Service Learning Student Awards
Affordable Housing Resource Directories Project
Links to Other Student Resources @ Tulane

Orientation Handbooks
Tulane students participating in service learning receive a comprehensive orientation before starting their service activities. All orientation sessions take place at agencies where students will be serving their hours. In addition to the orientation given by the agency representative, Tulane students also receive an orientation from an Office of Service Learning coordinator. The orientation handbooks below are specific to the type of sites where students serve.

Race, Class and Community Workshop
The Race, Class and Community workshop is anti-racism training that provides participants with an introduction to how race, class and culture affect service work. Students engage in discussions centered on identity, privilege and institutional racism. The workshop is given at the beginning of each semester. For more information, please check with your OSL program coordinator.

Safety Information
Service learning takes place in a variety of settings throughout the New Orleans community. Community-based risks to service-learning students can not be controlled by the University. Students must decide whether or not they feel comfortable participating in service-learning activities at a particular site. You should not participate in any activities that make you feel uncomfortable. If you feel uncomfortable in a placement, talk with your service-learning coordinator about other service options.

Information about safety in the New Orleans area can be accessed through Tulane's Office of Public Safety:

Outstanding Service Learning Student Awards
The student awards program will identify and recognize service learning excellence by awarding students who have made a significant contribution and have embodied the best practices of service learning. The Outstanding Service Learning Student Award and Outstanding Student Intern Award will be given to students who demonstrate commitment, compassion, cooperativeness, leadership, initiative, professionalism, the ability to empower others, an understanding of community needs, and the ability to get the job done. The recipients will be honored at the Office of Service Learning year-end celebration and will receive a plaque.

Affordable Housing Resource Directories Project
In partnership with the U.S. Housing and Urban Development's New Orleans field office and Tulane's Innovative Learning Center, service learning students are working on producing an Affordable Housing Resource Directory.

In order to facilitate the creation of the directory, Tulane's Innovative Learning Center (ILC) created a Web-based database and entry form so that students and others may input entries to the database from any computer with Internet access. Please add an entry into the Affordable Housing Resource Directory.

Links to Other Student Resources @ Tulane

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