2004-2005 Outstanding Service Learning Student Intern Award

Award Recipients:

Brook Parker
While an intern at McMain Secondary School, Brook assisted with the implementation of the Senior Project, a new program at the school. Brook assembled 150 area teachers to judge the student’s presentations and created a database that will allow the program to be coordinated more efficiently in the future.

Natalie Tartaro
During her internship at the Chartwell Center, a school for children with autism, Natalie worked directly with students as a classroom aide. She assisted with the instruction of communication methods for non-verbal children, and also helped with the filming of an instructional video based on the techniques she had used with the members of the teaching staff.

Honorable Mention:

Molly Brigham
As an intern with the Chartwell Center, Molly spent every Friday in the school as a teacher’s aide in an elementary class. She also developed activities and behavior modification techniques for some of the students.

Natalie Dolci
Throughout her internship with Crescent House Battered Women’s Shelter Natalie worked on the development of a new teen center at the shelter. She also attended training sessions with the shelter staff allowing her to understand the bigger picture of domestic violence and better serve the residents of the shelter.

Alisha Lall
Alisha also interned with the Chartwell Center. While working in the administrative offices, she worked assisted grant proposals, fundraising, and creating databases that will increase the program’s efficiency.

Katie Runyan
During her internship with for the Mayor’s Office of Volunteers in Government Katie focused on special events and community service projects such as “MO Fest” Music Festival and the 100 Black Men National Conference. Katie also helped with the creation of a newsletter and maintained community databases and researched organizations for information in creating marketing materials.

2004-2005 Outstanding Service Learning Student Award

Award Recipients:

Emily Caster
During her time with Ochsner Clinic Foundation at the Inpatient Rehabilitation Department Emily worked to keep patient’s spirits high. Emily created a “digital dexterity therapy kit” that consisting of all the tools needed to give manicures which will allow her therapy program to continue in the future. She spent many days giving manicures to patients and giving them much need one-on-one interaction.

Sydney Harris
While working with NORD/NOBA, Sydney helped the Moving Van Project, which brings dance classes to poor neighborhoods and then puts on performances. On Friday and Saturdays, Sydney helped with rehearsals and also with the children’s performances later in the year.

Greg Reich
As a tutor and classroom assistant at Woodson Middle School, Greg worked directly with students to improve their performance. But, he did not limit his service to his assigned tasks as a tutor and organized outside activities such as the Halloween Dance. Greg made such an impact at Woodson that the administration asked him to return as a paid after-school tutor.

Elise Wong
Elise worked with Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training (VIET), a program that serves Asian immigrants in New Orleans East. While there she assisted with a fundraising golf tournament as the volunteer coordinator, and through Trial Balloons provided more than fifty new children’s books.

Honorable Mention:

John Knapp
While he served at VIET, John worked with elementary school children in their programs. He helped with craft projects, reading programs, and the children’s homework.

Sara Silvestri
Sara worked at the International School of Louisiana, a foreign language immersion school. She served as teacher in the Prime Time after-school program and planned culturally specific games and art projects.

Jonathan White
During his work at VIET, John led an adult typing course. He also assisted some of those students with their English courses and citizenship applications.


Student Service Awards 2003-04

John Roger Bell- While working with the radio program American Routes, John began a database of the program’s record collection and learned many of the technical aspects of how a radio program is produced.

Gary Fernandez- Through his service to NORD and the New Orleans Ballet Association, Gary assisted in bringing dance classes to underserved communities with the Moving Van Dance Project and with coordination of a year end performance. Gary also helped instructors with ballet classes on Saturday mornings.

Charisse Nelson- Charisse stated her service learning experience “helped me to grow in ways that my other community service activities could not.” Her service to Carter Woodson Middle School as a tutor for math and science allowed Charisse to observe the atmosphere of a middle school and to witness educational theory from class in action during her service.

Rajiv Patel- During his work with Innocence Project Rajiv completed a report detailing inadequacies with evidence handling procedures in Orleans Parish. Through his research Rajiv conducted interviews with Orleans Parish officials involved with the evidence system and sorted through parish statutes governing evidence.

Student Service Awards 2002-03

Mike Di Gioia- Served the Louisiana Procurement Agency by setting up information tables at events throughout the area to inform the public about organ donation and dispel misconceptions regarding organ donation.

Cindy Greenburg- Cindy worked with the Council on International Visitors on their seasonal newsletter by writing articles and assisting with the editing process. She also wrote letters to Tulane University faculty to host an emerging foreign leader. Following this project, Cindy designed her own service learning program working with the Drop-In Center for Adolescents and wrote her honors thesis on service learning at Tulane University and possible ways to improve the program.

Parker Hutchinson- While serving the NO/AIDS Task Force, Parker updated pamphlets and materials distributed to the public regarding safe sex. He also created an informational booklet on prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

Brandy Johnson- Brandy created a marketing strategy for the New Orleans Food Coop. The food coop will use the information gathered to determine foods carried and future grocery store location.

Annette Schiavone- Through her service to the New Orleans Food Coop, Annette conducted a feasibility study which collected and organized demographic info on area neighborhoods.

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