This is an updateable screen. It displays employee, vacant or group position information contained in the BDS and/or PPS (Payroll/Personnel System) databases. You may update BDS from the current PPS employee data or enter position information directly in the BDS database. This screen will only update the BDS database. To go to Screen 300, move your cursor to the SCREEN => field:

-         Type 300 and press ENTER/RETURN.



Figure H-1: Employee Information Screen

You will see Screen 300 - EMPLOYEE INFORMATION screen (See Fig. H-1, above). Your cursor is automatically positioned in the EMPLOYEE ID # field. There are four(4) ways of populating employee/position information on Screen 300:

1. Use Screen 010 (EMPLOYEE NAME SEARCH) and search the BDS database. Use the procedures presented on pages 4-1 through 4-3 to perform your search. Once you've located the desired employee/position, place your cursor on the desired employee/position's line and press F10.

2. Use Screen 200 (ACCOUNT SALARY INFORMATION). Use the procedures presented on pages 6-1 through 6-3 to display your account's salary information. Once you've located the desired employee/position, place your cursor on the desired employee/position's line and press F4.

3. Use Screen 400 (EMPLOYEE SALARY UPDATE). Use the procedures presented on pages 9-1 through 9-2 to display the employee/position's salary information. Once you've located the desired employee/position, press F2.

4. Type your desired employee/position identification number in the EMPLOYEE ID # field and press ENTER/RETURN.

Note: The BDS Security Table will only allow you to view those employees/positions that are part of your authorized TAMS Organization(s). If you are not authorized to view an employee/position, you will see the following messages at the top and bottom of your screen, respectively: "CONTACT BUDGET OFFICE TO CHANGE YOUR ACCESS TO AN ORGANIZATION!" and "YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO EMPLOYEE SELECTED!!"

You can directly enter a new employee/position into the BDS database. There are two(2) ways of entering employee/position's into BDS:

  1.             The employee currently exists on the PPS database.
  2.             Enter a position identification number directly in BDS.

1. The employee currently exists on PPS.

If an employee exists on the PPS database, the following message will appear in the middle of the screen:
See Fig. H-2, below).


Figure H-2: Employee exists on PPS database.

To update the BDS database with the PPS information:

- Press F9.

Note: The PPS data may not include all of the information required to completely update BDS. You must contact the Budget Office to get a POSITION CONTROL #. Additionally, the following message will appear near the bottom of your screen: "FIELDS HIGHLIGHTED ARE IN ERROR! CORRECT AND PRESS F9!" Another message will appear at the top of your screen displaying the name of the first required field in error. The system automatically highlights the field(s) that is in error and brings the cursor to that field. Follow the directions below for updating the particular field(s) with no or erroneous data.

If your BDS update is successful, the following message will appear at the top of your screen: "EXISTING ORGANIZATION HAS BEEN CHANGED TO TAMS ORGANIZATION!" Additionally, the PAYROLL INFORMATION line, in the middle of your screen, will change to read:
"====B U D G E T      I N F O R M A T I O N====."

Note: You won't be able to budget the position's salary until you've reviewed Screen 300's information, changed the "X" in the APPROVAL field to "Y", received a POSITION CONTROL number from the Budget Office and press F9 to update the position's record in the BDS database. If your intent is to not budget the person for this FY, you must change the "X" in the APPROVAL field to "N" and press F9 to update the record. If the employee/position will be transferring to another department, follow the directions on page 8-13 prior to initiating any actions.

2. Enter a position identification number directly in BDS.

You must call the Budget Office to create a vacant position in your budget. You may enter any group position number. The position's identification number consists of an 800 "assigned" prefix plus the six(6) digit account number where the position will be budgeted. Valid vacant/group position number prefixes are:

To enter your group position in BDS, the following fields are required:


Note: BDS will automatically fill in most of the required fields for vacant or group positions. However, all of the required information to update BDS may not be present. If this is the case, follow the directions below for updating the particular field(s) with missing or erroneous data. You may reuse last year's group positions for your current budgeting.

Your screen will display the following message: "ENTER DATA FOR NEW POSITION AND PRESS F9 TO UPDATE!!"

The cursor is positioned at the "ORG #" field. You must enter your authorized, five(5) digit, TAMS Organization number.

- Type the five(5) digit TAMS ORGANIZATION NUMBER and press TAB.

After pressing TAB, your cursor moves to the asterisk field adjacent to the ORG # field. Periodically, PPS information will be updating the BDS database with each payroll cycle (e.g. biweekly, monthly). A protect field is available next to each of the updateable fields on this screen to prevent your 01 JUL new fiscal year data from being overwritten by the payroll data feed. Any change made to an updateable field will automatically result in a 'P' being placed in the related protect field. You may still directly update the protect flags for any of the updateable fields:

- Type P (Protect) over the asterisk next to the updateable field(s) and press F9


- Type * (Allow PPS to change) over the P next to the updateable field(s) and press F9

The cursor is positioned at the "EMPLOYEE NAME" field.

- Type the group position description in the EMPLOYEE NAME and press TAB once.

Note: You will only be allowed one (1) time to enter the position's description in the EMPLOYEE NAME field. Once you've updated the BDS database, you will no longer be given access to this field. Please contact the Budget Office at (504)-865-5353 (off campus) and extension #5353 (on campus) for assistance.

The cursor is positioned at the "CHECK CODE" field. You are required to enter a three(3) digit number that identifies the check code corresponding to the TAMS ORGANIZATION of the position. Use the following web site to look up the appropriate code for the organization: www.tulane.edu/~payroll/checkcodes.htm.  To enter the position's CHECK CODE:

- Type the three(3) digit CHECK CODE and press TAB four times.

The cursor is positioned at the "LOCATION" field. You are required to enter a two(2) character code that identifies the campus code and a two(2) character code that identifies the employee type for the position.

- Type the two(2) digit CAMPUS code and the two(2) digit EMPLOYEE TYPE code.

Note: Your choice of LOCATION will determine the FRINGE amount calculated for the position. See Appendix A for a FRINGE CALCULATION schedule.  The F1 (HELP) key will display the acceptable information for each field of this updateable code. Place your cursor on the first field (CAMPUS) of the desired Location code, press F1.  Place your cursor on the desired value, press F2 and BDS will copy the campus code into this field.  Place your cursor on the second field (EMPLOYEE TYPE) of the desired Location code, press F1.  Place your cursor on the desired value, press F2 and BDS will copy the employee type code into this field.

The following CAMPUS codes are the only valid codes accepted by BDS:

  1.             UP       - Uptown
  2.             MC     - TUHSC
  3.             PR       - TUNPC

The following EMPLOYEE TYPE codes are the only valid codes accepted by BDS:

  1.             AD      - Administrator
  2.             FA       - Faculty
  3.             PH       - Physician
  4.             ST       - Staff
  5.             SD       - Student
  6.             PF       - Part-Time Faculty w/o Benefits
  7.             PS       - Part-Time Staff w/o Benefits
  8.             PD      - Post Doc

Your cursor moves to the asterisk field adjacent to the LOCATION field. Periodically, PPS information will be updating the BDS database with each payroll cycle (e.g. biweekly, monthly). A protect field is available next to each of the updateable fields on this screen to prevent your 01 JUL new fiscal year data from being overwritten by the payroll data feed. Any change made to an updateable field will automatically result in a 'P' being placed in the related protect field. You may still directly update the protect flags for any of the updateable fields:

- Type P (Protect) over the asterisk next to the updateable field(s) and press F9


- Type * (Allow PPS to change) over the P next to the updateable field(s) and press F9

The cursor is positioned at the "TRANS ORG." (Transfer Organization) field. You will not need to use this field at this time.

- Press TAB once.

The cursor is positioned at the "JOB CLASS" (Job Classification) field. You are required to enter a ten(10) digit number that identifies the position's job title and salary grade. To enter the position's JOB CLASSIFICATION code:

- Type the ten(10) digit JOB CLASSIFICATION code and press TAB once.

Note: F1 (HELP) will display the acceptable information for this updateable field. Place your cursor in the JOB CLASS field and press F1. This will take you to the BUDGET SYSTEM - VALID SELECTIONS FOR JOB CLASS screen (See Fig. H-3, below). Type in a full/partial job title and press ENTER/RETURN. The screen will display all available job titles matching your typed description. Once you've located your specific job title, place your cursor on the desired Job Class line, press F2 and BDS will copy the number into the JOB CLASS field on Screen 300. The Job Classification table is maintained by the Human Resources Office. If you can't find the job title/description for your position, please contact the Budget Office at (504)-865-5353 (off campus) and extension #5353 (on campus) for assistance.

Figure H-3: Budget System - Valid Selections for Job Class screen

The cursor is now positioned at the "PAY FREQUENCY" field. The following codes are the only valid codes accepted by BDS:

  1.             B - Bi-Weekly (Salary Natural Account #5331 only)
  2.             M - Monthly (All Salary Natural Accounts, except #5331)

To enter the position's PAY FREQUENCY code:

- Type the letter "B" (Bi-weekly) or "M" (Monthly) and press TAB.

Note: If the PAY FREQUENCY on Screen 300 doesn't agree with the NATURAL ACCOUNT salary information on Screen 400, you will receive the following messages at the top and bottom of your screen: "DELETE BUDGETED SALARY ON SCREEN 400 TO CHANGE PAY FREQUENCY!!" and "FIELDS HIGHLIGHTED ARE IN ERROR! CORRECT AND PRESS F9!"

The cursor is positioned at the "# PAYS" field. You are required to enter a numerical value of one(1) or two(2) digits. This field generally corresponds to the employee/ position's PAY FREQUENCY (e.g. Bi-Weekly = 26 pay periods, Monthly = 12 pay periods). BDS will calculate the monthly salary or bi-weekly hourly rate based upon the position's total proposed budgeted salary and the amount of time the position will work during the year. This calculation will be based on the information you enter in the # PAYS field. To enter the position's # PAYS:

- Type the desired number (e.g. 6, 12, 26) and press TAB.

The cursor is positioned at the "STATUS" field. You are required to enter a two(2) character, alphabet code that defines the position's status. The following STATUS codes are the only valid codes accepted by BDS:

  1.             AD      - Group Adjunct or Temporary Payroll
  2.             RF        - Permanent Full-Time
  3.             RB       - Permanent with Benefits
  4.             RP        - Permanent Part-Time
  5.             TF       - Temporary Full-Time
  6.             TP       - Temporary Part-Time
  7.             ST       - Group Student Payroll

To enter the position's STATUS code:

- Type the two(2) character STATUS code and press TAB.

The cursor is positioned at the "HOURS/WEEK" (HOURS WORKED PER WEEK) field. You are required to enter a numerical value. It will take up to two(2) decimal places and has a maximum of 40 hours per week. This numeric value must correspond to the STATUS code field referenced above.

Valid values for the HOURS WORKED PER WEEK field are:

  1.             AD       - Greater than zero
  2.             RF        - Greater than 37.49
  3.             RB       - Greater than 18.74 and less than 37.50
  4.             RP        - Less than 18.75
  5.             TF        - Greater than 37.49
  6.             TP        - Less than 37.50
  7.             ST        - Greater than zero

To enter the position's HOURS WORKED PER WEEK:

- Type the desired number (e.g. 18.75, 40) and press TAB.

When you enter a value in the HOURS WORKED PER WEEK field, the system will calculate the "%-FULL TIME" (PERCENT OF FULL TIME) field. This field will display up to two(2) decimal places ranging from 1 through 100. The value calculated will correspond to the STATUS and HOURS/WEEK codes referenced above. The protect field associated with this field will also be updated with a 'P'. Valid values for the PERCENT OF FULL TIME are:

  1.             AD       - Greater than zero
  2.             RF        - Equals to 100
  3.             RB       - Greater than 49.99 and less than 100
  4.             RP        - Less than 50
  5.             TF        - Equals to 100
  6.             TP        - Less than 100
  7.             ST        - Greater than zero
  8.             ZA       - Greater than zero

The cursor is positioned at the "START DATE" field. This field automatically defaults to 06/22/2007 (Bi-Weekly) or 07/01/2007 (Monthly). You have the option to enter the projected starting date for your position. BDS generated PAFs will be based on the information you enter in the STARTING DATE field. PAFs will only be printed for employees (NOT VACANT AND/OR GROUP POSITIONS) with START DATEs of 06/22/2007 (Bi-Weekly) or 07/01/2007 (Monthly).

Each section under the STARTING DATE field is two(2) spaces wide and requires a numeric value. You must enter the desired month's numeric equivalent (i.e. July = 07). The day will correspond to the numeric calendar equivalent (i.e. 23rd = 23). If the day falls between the first(1st) and the ninth(9th), the day must be prefaced with a zero (i.e. 1st = 01, 5th = 05). You must enter the four(4) numbers of the year (i.e. 2000 = 2000). To enter the position's STARTING DATE:

- Type the desired numbers in the STARTING DATE fields and press TAB.

Note: The cursor will automatically advance to the next section in the STARTING DATE field as you make your entry.

The cursor is positioned at the "ENDING DATE" field. This field automatically defaults to 06/30/2007 for both Bi-Weekly and Monthly pay frequencies. The instructions for entering data in this field are the same as the STARTING DATE information referenced above. To enter the position's ENDING DATE:


- Type the desired numbers in the ENDING DATE fields and press TAB.

- Press F9 to update the BDS database.

* * * * I M P O R T A N T * * * *

The last required field is the POSITION CONTROL field. The POSITION CONTROL # field is only updateable by the Budget Office. This field will be filled with asterisks this year. It has been determined that tracking activity by this number was not necessary. The use of the field as a control budgeting measure is still required. When you need to create a new position in BDS, you must contact the Budget Office. Otherwise, BDS will NOT allow you to budget the position's salary information.

If insufficient or invalid information was entered, the following message will appear near the bottom of your screen: "FIELDS HIGHLIGHTED ARE IN ERROR!

CORRECT AND PRESS F9!" Additionally, another message will appear at the top of your screen displaying the name of the first required field in error. The system automatically highlights the field(s) that is(are) in error and brings the cursor to the first required field. If you are unable to successfully update BDS, please call the Budget Office at (504)-865-5353 (off campus) or extension #5353 (on campus) for assistance.

If your BDS update is successful, the following message appears at the top of your screen: "RECORD HAS BEEN ADDED TO DATABASE." When you move to Screen 400 (EMPLOYEE SALARY UPDATE screen) to budget the position's salary information, you will be able to see the updated BDS database information on this screen.

* * * * I M P O R T A N T * * * *

Once you've completely budgeted your employee/position on Screen 400, this screen will display the position's PROPOSED: SALARY, SPECIAL PAY (if applicable), INCENTIVES (if applicable), and/or MONTHLY SALARY or HOURLY RATE depending on the position's PAY FREQUENCY. If the employee/position is completely budgeted on Screen 400 (i.e. the IPF is blank and the PAF % = 100), you can't make any changes on this screen. If you need to make changes on this screen, you must partially/completely delete the budgeted salary on Screen 400, make your changes on this screen, update the BDS database and re-budget the salary information on Screen 400.

Other Fields on This Screen

The HIRE DATE field is similar to the STARTING and ENDING DATE field's referenced above. After you have retrieved the desired employee/position, move your cursor to the HIRE DATE field and enter the effective date the employee/position was hired or created. Use the same procedures used in the STARTING and ENDING DATE fields referenced above. Once you have entered the HIRE DATE, press F9 to update BDS.

The ADJ SVC DATE (ADJUSTED SERVICE DATE) field information is empty for vacant/group positions and is obtained from PPS for employees. If the date in this field differs from the HIRE DATE information, BDS will use the date in this field to calculate the employee's salary related fringe benefits. This is not an updateable field.

The TRANS ORG (TRANSFER ORGANIZATION) field is for transferring an employee/ position from one TAMS Organization to another. After you have retrieved the desired employee/position, move your cursor to the TRANS ORG field and enter the new five(5) digit TAMS Organization. Press F9 to update BDS. F1 (HELP) will display the acceptable information for this updateable field. Place your cursor on the desired ORG #, press F2 and BDS will copy the number in this field.

The CHECK CODE field should be updated when you are using the TRANS ORG field to transfer and employee/position.  Use the following web site to look up the appropriate code for the organization the employee is being transferred to: www.tulane.edu/~payroll/Checkcodes.htm

The SALARY GRADE and JOB STATUS fields are information only fields. It shows the employee's current PPS salary grade level and work status (e.g. ACTIVE, RETIRED). These fields are maintained by the PERSONNEL/PAYROLL OFFICE and aren't updateable in BDS.

The IN PROCESS field shows you if the employee/position has been properly budgeted in BDS. If there is a number one(1) present in this field, this indicates that the position's PAF% doesn't equal 100%. You must go to Screen 400 (EMPLOYEE SALARY UPDATE screen), make the necessary corrections and update BDS. When you return to Screen 300, this field will be blank indicating the position has been properly budgeted in BDS.

The PAF REMARKS field lets you know if your employee/position has any information entered on Screen 610 (PAF REMARKS). You will see the word YES or NO in this field indicating whether or not remarks are present for the selected position.

Other Function Keys Available On This Screen:

ENTER - DISPLAY. Pressing this function key will display an employee/position record in the BDS and/or PPS database. Enter the desired identification number in the EMPLOYEE ID # field and press ENTER/RETURN.

F1 - HELP. This function key displays, when the cursor is positioned in any of these fields, the acceptable information for the TRANS ORG, JOB CLASS and STATUS fields on this screen.  When the cursor is not on one of those fields, it displays an explanation for all the fields on this screen.

F3 - MAIN. This function key will bring you to the BDS MAIN MENU screen.

F4 - CANCEL. This function key will eliminate any changes you make to a displayed position's field(s) before the information is transferred to the BDS database. This function returns the displayed information back to the last, information update made in BDS.

F6 & F12 - NEXT EMPLOYEE & PREVIOUS EMPLOYEE. With position data showing on the screen, use these function keys to scroll up (F6) and scroll down (F12) in the selected organization to display the next/previous numerically sequenced position record. If you do not know the ID# of someone in the selected department, go to Screen 010 (NAME SEARCH) and use the Select Org search to get a list of positions in that organization.  Select a position on Screen 010 and press F10 to display the information on Screen 300, then use these keys to scroll.

F11 - GO TO 400. This function key will automatically move the existing employee/position record to Screen 400 (EMPLOYEE SALARY UPDATE).

To the Table of Contents/To Screen 001 Section