This is an information only screen. It displays the FRINGE amount calculated for the employee’s BASE salary information (PROPOSED SALARY plus SPECIAL PAY) and INCENTIVE pay (if applicable) budgeted on Screen 400. The PROPOSED SALARY and SPECIAL PAY amounts are added together and will display under the PROPOSED SAL PLUS SPECIAL PAY heading.  Tulane paid INCENTIVE PAY (Natural Account 5241) amounts are added together and will display under the INCENTIVE PAY heading. (See Appendix A for the FRINGE CALCULATION schedule.)  On the line identified by TOTAL FRINGE, you will see the fringe amounts listed for the BASE salary and/or INCENTIVE respectively, and the COMBINED FRINGE total under its heading.  You may only see the BDS employee/position information you have been authorized to update/view. To go to Screen 450, move your cursor to the SCREEN=> field:

- Type 450 and press ENTER/RETURN.

Figure K-1: Fringe Calc Display Screen

You will see Screen 450 - FRINGE CALC DISPLAY (See Fig. K-1, above). The FRINGE calculates automatically in BDS. The FRINGE table looks at the PROPOSED SALARY, any SPECIAL PAY, and any INCENTIVE (Natural Account 5241) amount, and calculates the related cost based on the fringe rate for the position's location code (See Appendix A).

If you are looking at an employee/position's record on another screen, BDS will carry the selected position's record to Screen 450. You have the capability to see other employee/position FRINGE information by entering the desired position's identification number in the EMPLOYEE ID-# field and pressing ENTER/RETURN.

The FRINGE information is displayed for the position's PROPOSED SALARY, SPECIAL PAY (if applicable) and/or INCENTIVE (Natural Account 5241) amounts (if applicable) and a COMBINED (total) FRINGE. The FRINGE information consists of the following categories:

THE BASE SALARY AND/OR INCENTIVE PAY FOR THE EMPLOYEE/POSITION.  BASE SALARY is equal to the PROPOSED SALARY plus any SPECIAL PAY.  Any INCENTIVE PAY is equal to the total of FPP Supplemental Wages (Natural Account 5241).

A FRINGE RATE BASED ON THE EMPLOYEE’S/POSITION’S LOCATION CODE.  A fringe rate is assigned to each location code.  An employee’s/position’s code is made up of two (2) fields: CAMPUS and EMPLOYEE TYPE.  The CAMPUS codes are: UP, MC and PR.  The EMPLOYEE TYPE codes are: AD, FA, ST, SD, PH, PF, PS and PD.  The SD code is only used for vacant positions, which budget salaries for students.  FPP SUPPLEMENTAL WAGES (Natural Account 5241) have a rate assigned and location codes do not affect the calculation of their fringe amounts.  (See Appendix A).

BASE SALARY FRINGE AMOUNT.  This is calculated by multiplying the BASE SALARY by the appropriate rate for the employee/position’s location code. 

INCENTIVE PAY FRINGE AMOUNT.  This is calculated by multiplying the FPP WAGES by the rate for FPP WAGES. 

Other Function Keys Available on This Screen:

ENTER - DISPLAY. This function key will activate the identification number search for the number you entered on the EMP ID-# field. It will also move you and/or your selected employee/position to another screen when a screen number is entered in the SCREEN => field.

F1 - HELP. This function key displays an explanation of all fields on this screen.

F3 - MAIN. This function key will bring you to the BDS MAIN MENU screen.

F4 - CANCEL. Clears and resets all the screen fields for entry of the next individual/position ID #.

To the Table of Contents/To Screen 001 Section