Importing and Overlaying Records
from OCLC into

Document sections


Import/Replace Profile

Control number fields in OCLC record

Basic importing procedures

Default import folder

NOTIS record number

Replacing records

Batch importing

Problems with imported records not being deleted





  1. Introduction:

This set of instructions is written for users of the OCLC Connexion Client.  For users of the OCLC Connexion Browser, the procedures are different at the OCLC (exporting) end.

For some basic information on working in OCLC, see "OCLC Connexion Client:  Lists of Commands."

  1. Basic importing procedures:

These procedures are written for importing a single record when there is no existing record in Alma.  See also procedures on "Replacing records," for overlaying procedures, and "Batch importing," for importing multiple records.

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  1. Replacing records:

Follow the "Basic importing procedures" except:

If there are problems, contact your supervisor.

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  1. Import/Replace Profile:

Possible settings for the Bibliographic Import/Replace Profile:


Allows creation of duplicate records; no overlay of matching records


For Blackwell approval tapes
Allows creation of duplicate records; no overlay of matching records

OCLC Conditional

Catches duplicate records; prevents either creation of duplicates or overlay

OCLC Replace

Allows overlay of matching records


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  1. Default import folder:  If you set your default import folder up, when you select the Import records From new file option, the oclcxpo.dat file will display immediately.  (You can check with your supervisor for help with setting this default up.)

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  1. Batch importing:  Possible ways of calling up records, depending on workflow:

[see also "Retrieving Voyager Records:  Retrieving multiple entries"]

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  1. Control number fields in OCLC record:  019 and 035

For treatment of the record number in the piece, see "The Physical Piece:  NOTIS record number."

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  1. Problems with imported records not being deleted:

Occasionally, imported records are not deleted from the Import Record file after they are no longer needed there.  Possible reasons include:

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HTML document last reviewed:  09 September 2022